Planning Treatments For Diverticular Disease and Diverticulitis

Your treatments for diverticular disease will depend on the type of diverticular disease you have. The specialist will able to identify the exact type of the disease you have and will be able to personalise treatments accordingly. This is where our clinic differs from many other clinics. We also prefer a conservative approach to treatment and only recommend surgery when other appropriate treatments have not been successful.

The Specialist will undertake a careful and thorough history and clinical examination, taking into account:

  • Your symptoms.
  • Any previous investigations you may have had.
  • Any previous treatments you may have had.
  • Any coexisting medical conditions that you may have.
  • Any medications that you may take.
  • Your diet in relation to your symptoms.

The Specialist will discuss with you a personalised plan for any further investigations you require and then your options for treatments of diverticular disease.

Further specialist diagnostic tests may be required, in order to establish the diagnosis of diverticular disease, to establish the TYPE of diverticular disease you have and to exclude other serious bowel conditions.


If you wish to seek our recommended diagnostic tests and treatments for diverticular disease elsewhere, you are free to do so. We will write a report of our findings and recommendations for you, so you can hand it to another clinician to arrange those tests and treatment.

The specialist diverticular disease treatments available through our clinic include:

  • Dietary advice - including advice on how much dietary fibre to have
  • Probiotics
  • Laxatives
  • Systemically absorbed antibiotics
  • Non-absorbed antibiotics
  • 5-ASA agents
  • Anti-motility medications

Call to make an appointment: 020 8166 5943

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